Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saving Money on Big Ticket Items

When making a big purchase, get the best price by following these tips:
Don’t Get the Extended Service Plan. Extended service plans are a rip-off, plain and simple. The vast majority of extended warranties are never used, simply because most products do not need a repair or, worse, the extended-warranty provider refuses to cover the repair or makes it such a hassle that it makes more sense to pay for it on your own.
Negotiate. The price on a large appliance is rarely final. Nowadays, even big box stores are sometimes willing to negotiate
Shop Around. Never make a big purchase without going to at least two stores.
Do Internet Research. Do your research by reading online product reviews. The salesman at the store won’t be an objective source of information.
Ask for a Cash Discount. Merchants have to pay fees of at least 3% for credit card help and processing. Pay in cash and ask them to pass the savings on to you.
Buy Used. Of course, the best way to save is to buy used. Try searching craigslist.

These are some basic money savings tips that can assist you on your way to financial freedom.

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